HBREA Board Meeting
HBREA montly Board Meeting www.HBREAHouston.org/events orwww.hbreahouston.eventbrite.comLike and follow us on Social Media https://www.facebook.com/joinHBREA
HBREA New Member Orientation
New and Renewing Members Orientation Get familiar with Organization, Activities and Events REGISTER NOW AT THE LINK BELOW!!!www.HBREAHouston.org/eventsorwww.hbreahouston.eventbrite.comLike and follow us on Social Media https://www.facebook.com/joinHBREA
HBREA Monthly Lunch N Learn
12401 S Post Oak Rd, Houston, TX 77045 12041 S. Post Oak Rd, Houston, TX, United StatesDid you know there are multiple ways for Real Estate Professionals to partner w/ the Houston Housing Authority? The President & CEO of The Houston Housing Authority will be our guest presenter for the September Lunch N Learn! Come and learn about bid opportunities, how tenants are using their rental vouchers to become homeowners and
HBREA-HUD Certificate Home Buying Webinar
FREE Share with Customers and Client only provide the registration link do not provide log-in information. Everyone must register REGISTER NOW AT THE LINK BELOW!!!www.HBREAHouston.org/eventsorwww.hbreahouston.eventbrite.comLike and follow us on Social Media https://www.facebook.com/joinHBREADo not share private login they will receive instructions once registered this is for Board Members info onlyClick Here to Log Into Homebuying WebinarDial-In: 346 -248 -7799Meeting
HBREA-HUD Certificate Home Buying Webinar
FREE Share with Customers and Client only provide the registration link do not provide log-in information. Everyone must register REGISTER NOW AT THE LINK BELOW!!!www.HBREAHouston.org/eventsorwww.hbreahouston.eventbrite.comLike and follow us on Social Media https://www.facebook.com/joinHBREADo not share private login they will receive instructions once registered this is for Board Members info onlyClick Here to Log Into Homebuying WebinarDial-In: 346 -248 -7799Meeting
HUD Certificate Home Buying Webinar April by HBREA
Become a Homeowner! Attend HBREA-HUD Certificate Home Buying Webinar for a step-by-step process to purchase a home.Become a Homeowner! Attend HBREA-HUD Certificate Home Buying Webinar for a step-by-step process to purchase a home.https://youtu.be/pQo40AYlrbUHBREA-HUD Certificate Home Buying Webinar About this event :Day One : Thursday 6pm to 8pmDay Two: Following Saturday 10am to 2pm*Must Attend both
WC Coffee w/ the Council
Click for event detailshttps://www.facebook.com/WCHBREA
HBREA-HUD Certificate Home Buying Webinar
FREE Everyone must registerREGISTER NOW AT THE LINK BELOW!!! Must attend Thursday Orientation and Saturday Class to get Certificatewww.HBREAHouston.org/eventsorwww.hbreahouston.eventbrite.comLike and follow us on Social Media https://www.facebook.com/joinHBREA
REGISTER NOW AT THE LINK BELOW!!! www.HBREAHouston.org/events or www.hbreahouston.eventbrite.com Like and follow us on Social Media https://www.facebook.com/joinHBREA Visit website https://hbreahouston.org
HBREA Broker Circle September Creating Office Culture that Cures Retention
Prosperity Bank 2310 Yale Street, Houston, TX, United StatesHBREA Broker Circle September Creating Office Culture that Cures RetentionCreating Office Culture that Cures RetentionBegin 8:30 am-11:30 am Location:Prosperity Bank 2310 Yale St. Houston, TX 77008 REGISTER NOW AT THE LINK BELOW!!!hbreahouston.eventbrite.comwww.HBREAHouston.org/events