HBREA 2025 Leadership Application

The Board of Directors is proud to announce that the Houston Black Real Estate Association is soliciting leaders for its 2025 Board. Board Member Elections will take place during our Annual Meeting on November 21,2024.

For your convenience, please fill out the online form, which features options to upload additional documents available at the bottom of this application, or download the HBREA 2025 Leadership Application PDF Form to submit your application. Please email the completed pdf form, along with additional documents, to admin@hbreahouston.org. Please note the PDF Form requires a digital signature. It’s best to use Adobe Reader, which you can download here or go to https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/pdf-reader.html . If you are unable to utilize the digital signature, please print the form, sign it and scan to email.

Online Form

Select one
Input Your First Name
Input Your Last Name
Input Your Middle Name
Input Your Phone Number

What is your current membership classification?

Select Membership classification option
If you selected Other, please state explanation
Input Your License Number

How long have you been a member of HBREA?

Input Length of Time as a Member

Are you a current and good standing member of HBREA?

Select good standing option

What leadership or committee positions have you held in the last 3 years?

Input Leadership/Committee Role
Input Leadership/Committee Role
Input Leadership/Committee Role
Input Leadership/Committee Role

List the National, State or Regional conference you have attended in the last 3 years:

Input Conferences Attended
Input Conferences Attended
Input Conferences Attended
Input Conferences Attended

How often do you participate in HBREA events?

Select participation option

What significant contribution(s) have you made as a REALTIST to the Local, State, Regional, or National Association? Give a brief description of the project(s) event(s), your role, and all related details, including outcome.

Give a brief description

Give a brief overview of your plans to revitalize HBREA.

Please give brief overview of your plans to revitalize HBREA’s Impact on the Community& the Industry

Why do you want to hold a Board of Directors or Officer position?  Include any skills, talents, education, affiliations you have that are related to the position in which you are applying for.  

Input answer

What are you expecting in return from your Board experience?

Please explain your expectations

What goals are you wanting to accomplish that include you being a Board member?

Please explain your Board Member Goals

Are you prepared to allocate a minimum of 10 hours per month to Association related preparation, meetings and/or activities?

Select option

Are you willing to travel within HBREA areas to support current initiatives and help develop new members?

Select option

Thank you for your willingness and commitment to serve HBREA, its mission and the Houston community.

*I hereby understand this is a volunteer position.

Sign Your Initials in Agreement

I hereby agree with the application process and confirm the information supplied on this application has been answered truthfully and to the best of my knowledge.

Sign your Initials to Agree Information Supplied is Honest and Truthful to the best of your knowledge
Sign your name
Print Name
Submit Date

*You may use additional documents (if necessary) to complete the leadership application process.   You may submit a short Bio and additional documents via upload options or submit via email to admin@hbreahouston.org - If you need to upload additional documents, please click-in-the-box or drag-n-drop in the upload field sections. 

*All applications must be received no later than Midnight, October 19, 2024.  You may use additional sheets of paper (if necessary) to complete the application process. *Submit the completed application to the Nomination Committee via Submit button below